Практическое использование методов проблемного обучения в преподавании иностранного языка

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В результате у учащихся вырабатываются навыки умственных операций и действий, навыки переноса знаний, развивается внимание, воля, творческое воображение.

Моделирование урока с использованием проблемных методов при обучении английскому языку Competitive gaming requires 1stGameVPN.

Уровень учащихся: Intermediate

Тема урока: Environment

Цели и задачи:

Образовательная: расширение вокабуляра – развитие языковой компетенции; совершенствование навыков чтения, монологической и диалогической речи.

Развивающая: развитие критического мышления учащихся, умения вести дискуссию, эффективное развитие интеллектуальной сферы учащихся, развитие творческих способностей школьников, их учебной и научно-поисковой активности.

Воспитательная: ответственное отношение к окружающей среде, умение принимать решения, умение работать в команде, инициативность, творчество.

Оборудование: учебник “Inside Out” Sue Kay and Vaughan Jones, наглядный материал (иллюстрации)

I. Организационный этап. Вступительное слово учителя

– Good morning, everybody. Let’s begin our lesson. The topic of our lesson will be “We must protect our environment”. The problem is that our planet faces destruction because of acid rains, ozone holes, too much garbage, all sorts of air and water pollution. That’s why people should realize the seriousness of the question and must react. At the lesson we shall read some information about environmental problems and discuss them.

II. Этап актуализации знаний и подготовки учащихся к сознательному усвоению материала

· Here is a situation describing one of the problems which a manager has to solve at work. What advice would you give?

Структурирование задачи:

Getting acquainted with the company

Holden’s Potter

Employs: 400 workers

Produces: high quality plates, cups, etc.

Annual turnover: $5 000 000

Location: small town in Midlands

Managing Director: Jeremiah Holden

Problem concerns pollution

Last week Jeremiah Holden found this letter in his tray: Getting acquainted with the letter (content and layout) focusing on the key ideas.

Dear Sir,

Our inspectors have recently been carrying out tests on the quality of air in the region of your factory. We have discovered that your chimney emits a greater proportion of chalk dust that permitted by the regulations and this is a hazard to health.

You are required to take immediate actions to remedy this by the installation of an appropriate filter The department inspectors will be pleased to provide any necessary technical advice and information.

Yours faithfully,

Chief inspector

III Этап формирования навыков и умений

1. Reading

1.1. Pre-reading

· The situation given in the following text is introduced to the pupils

· Vocabulary:

Here are some words from the text and their definitions. Try to find their interpretation in Russian:

2) a pollutant is a substance that pollutes, especially a chemical or similar substance that is produced as a waste product of an industrial process;

3) to reduce means to make or become smaller in size, number, extent, degree, intensity, etc;

4) marine life means living or occurring in the upper waters of open sea;

5) fertilizer an object or organism such as an insect that fertilizes an animal or plant;

6) a pesticide is a chemical used for killing pests, esp insects and rodents.

· Fill in the gaps with the words from the previous exercise and translate the sentences:

1) … and … are important for growing crops but they can ruin soil.

2) Polluted water kills fish and other .

3) With the development of crowded industrial cities which put huge amounts of … into small areas.

4) But pollution can be … gradually.

1.2. Reading of the given text “Environmental pollution”

1.3. Post-reading

· Which statements are true?

1) Pollution wasn’t such a serious problem earlier.

2) Pollution can be reduced gradually.

3) Factories pollute the air and the water and do not provide jobs for people and produce necessary goods.

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